
Customer service for Smarteyes

Smarteyes is one of Sweden’s fastest growing optics chain stores – since the start in 2007 they’ve expanded from 0 till 44 stores and is present from Malmö in the south to Boden in the north. Furthermore they have opened eight stores in Germany, three in Denmark and their expansion is continuing.

Unburdening the staff on the daily peeks

At first, Smarteyes’ store staff answered customer calls in-store, together with a few dedicated customer service employees in the center of Gothenburg. In combination with the mixed focus in the stores, both having to pick up the phone and helping customers present in the store, the staff had problems answering all the calls on time. The amount of answered calls at the time was 66%, with a average waiting time of 2 minutes.

Precise forecasting and flexible staffing

The previous customer service was replaced by the collaboration with H1. Thanks to H1’s experience with delivering customer service with the same employees to several different clients, advantages in large-scale operation as the possibility to handle peeks, variating intensities and Smarteyes’ continued expansion is handled with ease.

This, together with the fact that our WFM-department conducts prognostications of the call volumes down to the half-an-hour level and staffing of the service agents means that there are the right number of agents at any time to manage appointments, questions about the range, prices, opening times and more.

Proper staffing and better service

Now, 95% of the calls are answered and the waiting time has been halved. In addition, the store staff now has more time to help the customers who visit the store.


Read more about Customer service

Client story